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Experience Life in one of Europe’s Most Storied Nations

选择在英国的海外宝博体育,为你在欧洲最受欢迎和最具传奇色彩的国家之一的职业生涯做好准备. The opportunities for professional development here are endless. One of the world’s largest national economies and also one of the most globalized, 英格兰 is home to the biggest financial center on earth, 伦敦, where finance and banking are major industries. 世界500强公司中有26家将总部设在英国首都. 这座城市也是一个艺术中心, 在文学, 电影, 音乐继续蓬勃发展,为其他国家树立了卓越的标准. 英格兰’s leading manufacturing products include textiles, 电脑, 汽车, 飞机, 服装, 玻璃, 纸, 药品, 以及微电子学. 这个国家, 尤其是伦敦, 拥有多民族, international workforce of professionals at the top of their fields. Come here for your internship abroad and you’ll find the experience you need and want most.




英格兰’s capital city has long been known for its museums, markets, pubs and history. 今天, 伦敦是一个真正的全球城市,人口众多,是世界上访问量最大的城市之一.
68°F (20°C)
42°F (7°C)
  • 业务
  • 工程
  • 宝博体育
  • 社会科学

除了在伦敦和其他地方的餐馆里有无数的外国菜, you can drink and dine on traditional English fare wherever you go on the island. Take part in the timeless English tradition of afternoon tea at your favorite café. 点一篮子炸鱼和薯条,或者试试约克郡的约克郡布丁,作为周日烤肉的配菜. 在有百年历史的酒吧里享受一品脱你最喜欢的啤酒,像当地人一样结交新朋友. When you’ve had your fill of English food, test out 英格兰’s versions of American dishes, 比如芝士汉堡, or step into the vegan restaurant scene that’s been picking up steam in 伦敦.

当你在英国国外宝博体育时,有很多不同的事情要做,要看. 在当地的比赛中感受一下英国人对足球的热情,或者选择一个不那么传统的选择,比如橄榄球或板球. Try out 伦敦’s famous forms of public transportation: the tube, 黑色出租车, 还有红色的双层巴士. Experience live music at some of Europe’s best concert venues, in the birthplace of musical legends like Led Zeppelin, 平克·弗洛伊德, 甲壳虫乐队, 滚石乐队, 和阿黛尔. Ride the 伦敦 Eye for a spectacular view of the English capital.

When you become an intern abroad in 英格兰, you’ll find it easy to thrive at your host organization, 连接, and navigate your new home without a language barrier. The 伦敦 workplace overflows with internship opportunities, 在那里,你会发现你到底需要什么来实现你的目标,为一个成功的未来做准备.






伦敦的学习+宝博体育项目是为那些有抱负的专业人士而设计的,他们希望在不断变化的全球就业市场中脱颖而出. 这个项目可以让你在学业上取得进步,并保持在毕业的轨道上, 同时培养雇主希望你在进入就业市场时获得的顶级技能. 在节目中, 你将在当地的接待机构宝博体育,同时学习我们的强制性全球宝博体育课程和其他课程. Our diverse range of courses will provide you with a platform to excel academically, 您的个性化宝博体育安排将帮助您从全球视角获得专业经验,并在国际背景下向专业人士学习. Program options are dependent upon location, 但可能包括:学期, 夏天, 兼职及全职宝博体育, and English and host language speaking placements.


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  • 起价8895美元



Explore Global Perspectives on Nursing and Comparative 健康care. Interested in nursing, midwifery, and medical practice? 了解历史和社会变化如何影响护理功能的发展,并研究伦理是如何影响护理功能的, 社会学, 宗教, 法律, 经济学, 哲学影响了临床实践,也影响了护士和助产士的角色.
这个为期6周的暑期课程提供了一个独特的机会,以获得护理的新视角,比较美国和英国的医疗保健系统,并探讨全民医疗保健的问题, including issues of inequality in accessing it.


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  • 起价8895美元

In your free time, take in 英格兰’s many famous sites. From prehistoric Stonehenge to the two-thousand year old Hadrian’s Wall, once the northernmost border of the Roman Empire, 这个小岛屿国家拥有足够的历史遗迹,让你在整个逗留期间都充满好奇. Marvel at the 1400-year-old Canterbury Cathedral, the heart of the Church of 英格兰 and an icon of Gothic architecture. 游览美丽得令人惊叹的罗马浴场,它建于近两千年前的巴斯市. 在威廉·莎士比亚的故乡驻足, 埃文河畔斯特拉特福德, 去看看他和他的一些家庭成员曾经居住过的保存完好的房子. Visit Oxford University, the oldest English-speaking university in the world. 在英国君主和其他著名人物的最后安息之地向他们致敬, 威斯敏斯特教堂. Stand below the towering skeletons of dinosaurs at the Natural History Museum. 需要一些与大自然相处的时间? 在广阔的汉普顿悬崖上,你可以看到多少种海鸟,或者花一整天的时间在美丽的湖区国家公园里闲逛, 崎岖的山脉, 宁静的湖泊, and miles of green hills make for an idyllic getaway. 对于有抱负的环保人士, 康沃尔的伊甸园项目是一个不容错过的景点:这个生态公园拥有世界上最大的室内雨林, along with several other habitats housed in their own biomes. If you’re lucky enough to be an intern abroad in 英格兰 during the spring or summer, have yourself a beach day at Brighton Palace Pier, an impressive example of Edwardian architecture situated on the island’s southern coast. 花一天的时间在科茨沃尔德,你可以在美丽的韦斯顿伯特植物园欣赏超过一万五千种树木,或者在海格罗夫的皇家花园中漫步. 来一次更积极的户外旅行, 前往How Stean Gorge徒步旅行, 独木舟, 或者沿着考特利喷口瀑布向下喷涌.

The birthplace of some of the most popular and influential artists of all time, 英格兰 delivers a smorgasbord of cultural events, 活动, 展品随处可见. 你喜欢视觉艺术吗? 在国家美术馆稍作停留,欣赏欧洲最伟大画家达·芬奇的作品, 卡拉瓦乔, 米开朗基罗, 鲁本斯, 伦布兰特, 和其他人. Take part in 伦敦’s Mayfair Art Weekend, three colorful days of free access to the district’s art galleries and auction houses. 如果想要更随意的出游,可以去肖尔迪奇区(Shoreditch)的小巷里看看充满活力、值得拍照的街头艺术.

书虫,欢喜! 英国的文学遗产和对书籍的热爱意味着你将有足够的时间让你在业余时间忙碌起来. Visit the Jane Austen Centre in Bath, where the beloved author of Pride & 偏见占据了她生命的大部分时间. 在为期两周的伦敦文学节上,听听当今小说和非小说类榜单上的大牌作家谈论他们的作品. 在菲茨罗伊酒馆放松一下, where several of 英格兰’s best authors were seen throughout the 20th century, 包括弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫, 乔治·奥威尔, 迪伦·托马斯. Take your picture at Platform 9 ¾ in King’s Cross Station, for your Harry Potter moment. 英格兰 is still home to plenty of bookshops, where you can spend many a quiet afternoon browsing the shelves for your next read.

舞台爱好者会发现,在英国有比其他任何地方都多的机会体验到精彩的表演. Watch a Shakespearean play put on in the writer’s own Globe Theater. If you’re in 埃文河畔斯特拉特福德, seeing the Royal Shakespeare Company in action is a must. If you’re looking for something a bit more contemporary, catch one of the many shows at 伦敦’s National Theater, located on the south bank of the River Thames.



  • 砖巷 If the thought of curry makes your mouth water, then 砖巷 is the place to be. This East End gem is home to some of 伦敦’s most famous Indian restaurants. +, if you fancy a quick shopping trip after chowing down on authentic Indian cuisine, 砖巷 is known for its vintage 服装 stores.
  • Soho的秘密茶室 Pop into the popular West End pub, the Coach & Horses, to find Soho’s only secret tearoom. 这间复古主题的茶室配有传统的英式下午茶,保证让你感觉自己是一个真正的英国人.
  • 樱草花 明亮的蓝天和郁郁葱葱的绿草——这是大多数人搬到伦敦时不会想到的两件事. 他们大错特错! 位于摄政公园以北, 樱草花 not only offers some of the best views of the city, 也是一个享受伦敦难得的阳光,与朋友一起野餐的好地方.
  • 空中花园 Travel 115 meters up into 伦敦’s famous skyline at the 空中花园. This sky-high indoor garden offers breathtaking 360-degree views of Central 伦敦.