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Finding a Home While Studying Abroad in 罗马, 意大利

by 安娜·凯勒
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Discovering a New Home while Studying Abroad in 罗马, 意大利 

This photoset captures the beauty of 罗马. From its historic 纪念碑 to gorgeous architecture and stunning views, 美味的食物和当地的艺术, 罗马是一个完美的城市. 罗马 has so much to offer, especially as a 东航卡帕留学目的地.

A study abroad student standing on a ledge with a city in the background

A must-stop for perfect sunset views is Terrazza del Pincio overlooking the Piazza del Popolo. 


The city’s culture lends itself to being a place one can easily call home after only a few weeks here. While 罗马 is a large city, there are niche spots to discover, and you can never get bored. The city’s culture blends aspects of 艺术, architecture, 时尚, and 历史.

Two study abroad students standing on a sidewalk

Taking a stroll along the Tiber River as arching trees line the pathway.  


There’s also a huge food culture within 罗马 that makes every dining experience one to remember.

A plate of pasta and glasses of wine

Discovering 罗马 and all the amazing food including Pappardelle Bolognese accompanied by the house white wine.  

An Aperitivo, for example, is a time to meet with friends, eat, drink and talk.  

A group of study abroad students holding wine glasses

Enjoying a roommate dinner at a classic Italian restaurant. Saluti! 

在探索罗马时——从新的咖啡机, 纪念碑, and churches to quaint cobblestone streets in neighborhoods like Trastevere and Prati—there’s something for everyone. The culture makes the huge city feel like a home.  

A study abroad student standing on a cobblestone street with a couple of people

Walks on the cobblestone streets of Trastevere while exploring all the city offers.  


Local street 艺术 in the Prati neighborhood, showcasing the 艺术 and culture of the wonderful city.


After living in 罗马 for less than a month, it’s easy for me to call this city home.

A study abroad student standing on a stone wall

On a bridge over the Tiber River with St Peter's Basilica in the background. 

Some favorite spots include walking along the Tiber River into Trastevere, exploring the historic center of 罗马 where you can discover the Trevi Fountain, 万神殿, 和西班牙台阶, and of course finding a gelateria and café 在每个角落.

A fountain with statues in front of buildings

Located in Piazza Navona, enjoy the beauty of Fontana del Nettuno while eating gelato.

You can never be truly lost here because of the numerous historic landmarks orientating you within the city.  


The iconic Trevi Fountain is a must-see when exploring 罗马.  

When studying abroad, it’s important to embrace your host city’s culture and immerse yourself in it. Explore the city as much as possible, 每天尝试新事物, 学习当地语言, 尝试传统食物, discover a new p艺术 of the city every day.


Fontana della Dea Roma in Piazza del Popolo as the sun sets over the Piazza. 

罗马 allows you to do all this and more with a never-ending supply of amazing food, 风景, 历史, 艺术, 以及国外文化.  

安娜·凯勒 is the Content Creator - Photographer in 罗马, 意大利, and is currently studying at Wake Forest University.
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